In this article, we will cover cleaning up fall leaves, why it needs to be done, and what to do with all the leaves afterward!
It’s time to break out the rake once more as soon as the trees lose their vibrant October garb and the ground begins to gradually become covered with colored leaves. As a result, there is a risk of mold if the leaves are left lying on the lawn.

To prevent the lawn from rotting, the thick layer of leaves must be removed before the lawn receives a lot of rain or snow. Without sufficient airflow, the lawn could rot or grow mold.

Owners of homes and gardens should consequently take care of the autumn leaf cleanup as soon as feasible. But how to clean up fall leaves quickly? And after the labor is done, how may the fall leaves be used effectively?

What Happens If You Don’t Remove Leaves From Lawn?

Although it may be tempting to forego fall leaf cleanup altogether—after all, nobody rakes in the forest—you must get the rake out if you want a healthy and lush lawn next year.

When you leave a dense covering of fallen leaves on top of your lawn, you prevent sunlight from getting to the turf. This is especially the case if it has bluegrass or fescue, and provides mold, germs, pests, and weed seeds a warm place to live.

Your lawn will be uneven and less healthy in the spring if you don’t deal with the leaves at all. However, you should wait to rake until the majority of the leaves have fallen.

Otherwise, you’ll need to do it several times throughout the fall season. Which will only add to the fall house exterior checklist that you may have already.

What To Do With The Pile Of Fall Leaves?

what is the best way to remove leaves

The autumn foliage signals the coming of the cold season with its vibrant variety. But the autumn leaves also signal an increase in work for many gardeners.

Despite the leaves’ stunning colors, the garden and its inhabitants are ultimately at peril because of them. The lawn’s oxygen supply is also obstructed by the fallen leaves. Additionally, it causes a slip risk on sidewalks and frequently clogs gutters.

A traditional leaf rake or a lawnmower, which allows the leaves to be readily collected in the grass box, are great for removing leaves from a lawn. 

Do fall leaves kill grass? Grass, evergreen shrubs, and soft buds should all be kept aside from fallen leaves since they could decay in response to the damp leaves.

The leaves can be used to cover bare beds or build hedgehog nests in a secluded garden area. By doing this, you also contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, as the hedgehog is already listed as a threatened species in various nations.

This is mostly because thorough garden cleanup efforts have unintentionally eliminated all hedgehog nesting and shelter opportunities, as well as those for many other creatures.

Leaf Removal Techniques – What Is The Best Way To Remove Leaves?

Generally speaking, there are a variety of techniques that enable the speedy removal of fall leaves. The most beneficial tools are discussed below.

Classic Leaf Rake – Inexpensive And Gentle

The leaf rake is still one of the most common tools for effectively removing autumn leaves from your own garden.

Due to its special design, the broom allows a particularly efficient way of working with relatively low acquisition costs. However, due to the high amount of work involved, a leaf rake is only recommended for smaller green areas.

Leaf Blower – Best Way To Clean Large Areas

With their powerful motors, leaf blowers are particularly suitable for larger green areas (here is our top pick for the best backpack leaf blower). Through the targeted use of the airflow, the autumn leaves can easily be blown together into neat heaps.

While blowers with electric motors only have a limited working radius due to the cable, the petrol-powered variants enable flexible processing of large areas.

Be sure to check out our comparison guide on Toro vs Black and Decker blower.

Leaf Vacuum – Compost-Read Removal of Autumn Leaves

If you want to use autumn leaves as compost material or fertilizer (check out the lawn fertilizer calculator), leaf vacuums are the ideal solution.

Not only can they effectively remove the foliage from sidewalks and green spaces, but the devices also shred the autumn leaves with an integrated shredder.

The shredded leaves then form a perfect basis for compost. Thanks to a simple conversion option, many vacuum cleaners can also be used as blowers.

Removing Leaves With Lawn Mower – Convenient Alternative

In addition to the tools listed, conventional lawnmowers can also be used to remove the leaves. The mower’s cutting tools shred the autumn leaves effectively and quickly.

However, due to the increased danger for small animals, this method is one of the less gentle variants of leaf removal.

Best Way To Recycle Fall Leaves

After removing the autumn leaves, the question quickly arises as to whether and how they can be used in a meaningful way. Fortunately, there are also numerous options for the subsequent use of autumn leaves.

Compost Autumn Leaves

Composting is certainly one of the most classic ways of recycling. This is because autumn leaves produce nutrient-rich mulch and humus.

It should be noted, however, that some types of leaves – such as oak or poplar – have a long decomposition time. It is therefore always worth shredding the autumn leaves before composting.

Fall Foliage As Winter Protection

Since geothermal heat continuously accumulates under a layer of leaves, the foliage can also be used very well to protect beds from the cold.

Sporadic piles of leaves also serve as winter shelters for small garden animals. In this way, they can ensure the ecological balance of the garden in the coming year.

By Robin M

Robin remains an active participant in the skilled trades community. His hands-on involvement in projects, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm for helping others succeed in their home improvement pursuits, reflects his commitment to empowering readers with the knowledge they need to tackle projects confidently.

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