Wondering how to get rid of winter weeds? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Taking care of your lawn during winter might seem like a daunting task, but fear not! With a little know-how and some preparation, you can keep those weeds at bay and have a healthy, lush lawn all year round.

So, let’s dive in and get started!

How To Get Rid Of Winter Weeds

There are a bunch of products and methods to choose from, but remember, it’s essential to know your weeds and grass before you make your move.

how to prevent winter weeds

1. Homemade Killer – Does Vinegar Kill Winter Weeds?

Vinegar can be effective in killing winter weeds, but it may not be as potent as commercial herbicides.

Step into your kitchen and grab two pints of vinegar, one teaspoon of natural dish soap, and a garden spray. Mix the vinegar and dish soap, then pour it into the spray.

Now, you’re armed and ready! Start spraying those weeds until they surrender, but be careful around your plants.

This vinegar spray is a winner against dandelions and crabgrass when applied directly to those troublemakers (also check out the best dandelion killers).

2. Mulch It Up

Looking for an eco-friendly, chemical-free option? Mulching is your answer! It’s safe for both you and your lawn. Grab some shredded bark, dead leaves, straw, or grass clippings, and let’s get to work.

Calculate how much mulch you’ll need to cover your lawn. As a quick rule, one cubic yard should cover about 390 square yards of lawn. That’s a lot of weed-fighting power right there!

If there are any areas where you don’t plan to plant, lay down some newspapers or cardboard to block weed growth.

Pro tip: Ensure there are no gaps; we don’t want those weeds making a comeback. Soak the paper with water and spread the mulch evenly on top. Remember to be gentle around your existing plants while covering those weeds entirely.

You may also be interested in finding out what to do with old mulch in the garden.

3. Weed Sprays – Kill Winter Weeds In Lawn

Head to your local store, and you’ll find an array of commercial weed killers. Grab one that’s ready to go or opt for a concentrate, your choice! One application is often enough to tame those winter weeds.

Remember, when using weed sprays, always follow the instructions to keep your lawn safe.

Different types of grass may react differently, so spot-test a patch if you’re unsure. Avoid spraying on frozen or snow-covered ground; it won’t do the trick.

Find out our top pick for the best weed killer for lawns.

4. Burn Them Down – The Weed Torch

If you’re not a fan of sprays, no problem! Use the weed torch, against those stubborn weeds. Winter is the perfect time to use this flaming tool.

Clear any debris from your lawn, especially those dry leaves, assemble the weed torch, and point the flame directly at those invaders. This torch is perfect for tackling those weeds that dare to grow between pavers and gravel.

You might also be interested in checking out the best corded electric weed eater.

How To Prevent Winter Weeds

kill winter weeds in lawn

Take a walk around your garden and identify those winter weeds. You’ll encounter two common types: the broadleaf ones, like the chickweed and henbit, and the Poa annua, or annual meadow grass, which likes to spread low and wide.

Sure, winter might be a time to hibernate, but that doesn’t mean your lawn gets a break! Create a maintenance plan for fall and spring to reduce weed germination.

Knowing the weed is crucial, so take the time to identify the weeds in your garden (learn how to kill thistle weeds). This way, you can choose the most effective method for your specific intruders, and your lawn will thank you later!

Lawn Care

Maintaining a healthy lawn is the first line of defense against weeds. So, get your mower ready!

Regular mowing not only keeps your grass looking sharp but also helps prevent diseases. Pro tip: Attach a bag to your mower to catch any seeds, reducing the chances of a weed invasion in the spring.

Don’t forget to aerate your lawn in late fall (here are the best manual lawn aerators). Poke some tiny holes in the ground using a plug or spike aerator to let those nutrients, water, and air do their work.

You may also be interested in checking out the lawn care name generator.

Timing is Key

When it comes to weed control, timing is everything. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and pick a few days with milder temperatures for the treatment. Most weeds won’t budge when it’s freezing outside.

Read The Labels – Safety First

Before you dive into any products, give those labels a good read. Safety always comes first!

Recommended reading: How to get rid of poison ivy in the yard.


1. When should I spray winter weeds?

To effectively control winter weeds, it’s essential to time your spraying before they become fully established and start to thrive in the colder months. Late fall or early winter is typically the optimal time for applying herbicides to target these weeds.

2. Can you spray weeds in late winter?

Yes, you can spray weeds in late winter, but do so before they start to grow vigorously in spring. Late winter is often an ideal time to catch winter weeds while they are still manageable and prevent them from taking over your landscape once the weather warms up.

3. Will Roundup kill weeds in the winter?

Roundup, a popular glyphosate-based herbicide, can be effective in killing weeds during the winter. However, its efficiency might be influenced by lower temperatures, as colder weather can slow down the uptake and translocation of the herbicide within the plant.

4. How to kill winter weeds in bermudagrass?

To kill winter weeds in bermudagrass, it’s essential to use a selective herbicide that won’t harm the grass while effectively targeting the weeds. Applying the herbicide during the dormant season for bermudagrass will increase its effectiveness, as the grass is less active during this period.

5. Can you kill weeds in winter?

Yes, you can kill weeds in winter using appropriate herbicides or other control methods. Although weed growth might slow down or go dormant during colder months, certain herbicides and control practices can still be effective.

Conclusion: How To Get Rid Of Winter Weeds

When it comes to killing winter weeds, you’ve got enough options. Roll up your sleeves and pull them out by hand if you’re feeling old-school.

If you prefer a natural approach, try the homemade vinegar spray or go all-in with the weed torch. And let’s not forget the store-bought weed killers, which are always there when you need them.

So, don’t let those weeds take over. Your lawn will be in tip-top shape, and you’ll have a cozy, weed-free haven to enjoy this winter.

By Robin M

Robin remains an active participant in the skilled trades community. His hands-on involvement in projects, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm for helping others succeed in their home improvement pursuits, reflects his commitment to empowering readers with the knowledge they need to tackle projects confidently.

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