Have you ever wondered, “Can foxes climb fences?

You bet they can! If a sly fox sets its mind to get over your fence, it’s going to find a way in. These crafty creatures have some impressive skills up their sleeves—or rather, paws—that make scaling fences easy.

In this article, we’ll try to understand how they manage to do it. Whether they’re in cities or the countryside, we’ll uncover the secrets of these crafty climbers and see how well they can navigate the barriers we put up.

Can Foxes Climb Fences?

Foxes are surprisingly adaptable to various obstacles. They can handle most fences with ease, using their cunning minds and physical prowess to overcome barriers.

Now, you might be wondering, “Can any fence stop these determined foxes?” Well, not really.

How High Can Foxes Climb?

A fox can leap up to 3 feet in the air effortlessly. And that’s just the beginning! Thanks to their powerful claws, they can continue their ascent well beyond 6 feet.

These agile creatures won’t hesitate to climb trees when they’re on the hunt for prey. So, if your fence is in their sights, they won’t shy away from the challenge.

If a fence isn’t quite low enough for a fox’s liking, they’re resourceful enough to find objects nearby that can boost their chances of success. Bushes, bins, or any other conveniently placed items become stepping stones for these clever critters.

Foxes: The Facts

how high can foxes climb

To outsmart a wily fox and protect your territory, you’ve got to be one step ahead. Understanding these creatures is the first step to gaining an upper hand.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know about foxes:

  • Nature has equipped them with the skills to tackle obstacles.
  • They are medium-sized carnivores, part of the dog family.
  • With their impressive jumping abilities, they can clear fences up to 2 meters high from a standing position. And with a little help from nearby items, they can handle even taller fences.
  • Foxes are no strangers to digging, so they can be pretty persistent.
  • While they might pay a visit to your garden, their presence is usually temporary due to their highly seasonal behavior.
  • Foxes are territorial creatures; they use droppings to mark their domain and the objects within it.
  • Their sharp claws allow them to climb wire mesh with ease.

How High Should A Fence Be To Keep Foxes Away?

Since foxes are also master climbers and jumpers, let’s build fences that keep them grounded. Double the standard height (1800mm) with more netting or varied spacing of electric wires.

Yes, it may cost a bit more, but it’s worth it. For an extra layer of defense, consider an outward-facing overhang or a complete wire netting roof for small pens.

We all know foxes love to target fence corners and posts. Be prepared! Use steel posts that’ll give them a harder time climbing compared to timber.

Reinforce the corners with extra netting to discourage any scaling attempts. Strengthen any weak points and ensure the wire thickness is at least 0.9mm—a chew-resistant fox is a defeated fox!

Best Fencing To Keep Foxes Out

Fences can be a formidable line of defense against foxes, but let’s be real—these sneaky creatures always find a way.

We have some tips to make fencing work for you. Let’s dive in and discover the best fencing options to keep those cunning critters at bay.

Customized Solutions

When it comes to fox deterrence, one size does not fit all. We’ve got a range of fence designs specially crafted to tackle this challenge. The key is to consider all the nitty-gritty details of your situation.

To pick the perfect fence, consider factors like:

  • Which specific species you’re protecting.
  • The area you want to cover.
  • If you need to keep other pests, like rabbits, out as well.
  • The presence of non-target animals shouldn’t get caught in the mix.
  • Your budget and resources for maintenance.

Location Matters

The local environment also plays a vital role in determining the ideal fence design. Things like the landscape, soil type, vegetation density, climate, and geographical location influence the choice.

Effective Design

Most effective fence designs include a blend of electric wires and wire netting.

The wire netting, often hexagonal with a diameter of 1.5 to 2 inches, stops those foxes from sneaking through the base of the fence (and if you’re dealing with rabbits too, go for a 1-inch diameter).

Electric wires act as an added deterrent, though they’re not too effective on their own. You can get creative with the spacing and placement of these wires.

Outsmarting Diggers

Foxes are expert diggers, so we need some tricks to counter their underground prowess. Bury that wire netting at least 450mm underground or attach it to a wooden or concrete floor—especially in small enclosures.

Another smart move is to create an apron of netting angled outward for 300 to 600mm at the base of the fence. Secure it with pegs or weights, especially in softer substrate areas.

How To Keep Foxes Out Of Your Yard

how to keep foxes out of your yard

We’ve established that foxes are clever critters. But before we deal with the fence, let’s uncover what’s drawing them to our yard in the first place.

1. The Food Factor

Food is the ultimate temptation for these cunning canines. They’re up for a quick dinner run wherever they can find one.

Foxes can sniff out a buried pet’s carcass or any compost in your garden, and that’s when they decide to pay you a visit.

So, the first step in deterring them is removing these attractions. Remove leftover pet munchies and food scraps. Not only does it keep the fox away, but it also ensures your pets’ safety.

2. Playing It Safe Near Home

Foxes may be crafty, but they’re also skittish little creatures. They know they’re not the strongest, relying on stealth rather than brute force.

Usually, they won’t get too close to your house unless they’re used to humans or desperate for a meal. But they can be surprisingly adaptable and might seek refuge even in urban areas.

To keep your pets safe, keep their enclosures close to the house. Cages, hutches, playpens, and coops near the home create a buffer zone, deterring all but the boldest of predators.

Consider installing motion sensor lights as an added measure to scare off those foxes.

3. Protecting Your Animals

Now, if you’re caring for smaller animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, you’ll need a predator-proof, sturdy, hutch to protect them. Look for durable hutches with thin wire, and strong mesh that’ll leave those foxes outside.

Electric Fencing For Chickens

For all you chicken owners out there, a specialized electric chicken fence might just be the way to go. Add a wire mesh roof to your electric fencing to keep those foxes from getting cozy with your cluckers.

But don’t worry; the shock won’t cause any harm. It’s just enough to startle the fox and make them think twice before attempting another breach. Smart chickens will eventually learn to steer clear of the electrified fence.

You might be a bit wary of using an electric fence, but rest assured, it’s perfectly safe for your furry and feathered friends.

When an animal touches the fence, the electrons flow to the earth, closing the circuit and causing a quick muscle contraction in the animal.

However, if the voltage is set low, their fur acts as a poor electrical conductor, offering insulation against shocks. Just remember to trim the vegetation around the fence regularly to prevent any short-circuiting.


1. Can foxes climb fences to get chickens?

Yes, foxes can climb fences to get to chickens.

2. Can a fox hurt a dog?

Yes, a fox can potentially hurt a small dog if threatened or provoked.

3. Can foxes climb trees?

Yes, foxes are capable of climbing trees to escape predators or reach food.

4. Can foxes climb chicken wire?

Yes, foxes can climb chicken wire to access chicken coops or enclosures.

5. Can foxes climb brick walls?

No, foxes are not good climbers and cannot climb brick walls.

6. How high can foxes jump in feet?

Foxes can jump up to 3 feet high in some instances.

7. Can a fox climb a 6 foot fence?

Yes, foxes can climb a 6-foot fence with their climbing abilities.

8. How far can a fox jump horizontally?

Foxes can jump horizontally up to 4-6 feet.

9. Can foxes climb chain link fences?

Yes, foxes can climb chain-link fences.

10. Can foxes climb wooden fences?

Yes, foxes can climb wooden fences.

Conclusion: Can Foxes Climb Fences?

Foxes can indeed climb fences and wriggle into the tiniest spaces (you may also be interested in checking out: Can skunks climb fences?

They are very agile and flexible animals. Their climbing skills help them move around in their surroundings easily. But with these savvy fencing strategies, you can keep them away from your property.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and build a fox fortress they won’t dare to challenge.

By Robin M

Robin remains an active participant in the skilled trades community. His hands-on involvement in projects, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm for helping others succeed in their home improvement pursuits, reflects his commitment to empowering readers with the knowledge they need to tackle projects confidently.

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